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Make A Regular Donation

Consent form
Would you be happy for us to mention on social media or our website your donation and full name?

Thanks for submitting!

Thank you 
Would you like to speak to us?



Nigel Cohen -

Lester Tanner  - 07570 811 829

Debbie Gee - 07782 345 935



'We are here to help'

Maidenhead Foodshare
Reg. Charity Number: 1142868


Unit 65, The Nicholsons Centre,  King Street, Maidenhead., SL6 1LL

We have a 24-hour voucher line where we are able to issue one emergency voucher to attend our Wednesday 5 pm or Saturday 10 am food collection. *Please note that emergency vouchers can only be issued if you are unable to receive a voucher in time from our various referral sources..
01628 262 711
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